Spatial Cognitive Map
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Real world navigation requires movement of the body through space, produced a continuous stream of visual and self-motion signals, including proprioceptive, vestibular and motor efference cues. These multimodal cues are integrated to form a spatial cognitive map.
vestibular cues in rodent require
place cell
grid cell
head direction cell
real world
just real world navigation
visual, self-movement
no fMRI
video of real world
head-mounted VR
visual, self-movement
desktop computer VR
PS. orientation task (not moving body thru space) vs navigation task (moving body thru space)
Tasks should design to encourage the use of body-based cue to dissociate the tasks on behavioural level
Neural representation of the map can only be inferred during recall not encoding as participant as immobile during fMRI scan -> how do body-based cues affect formation of cognitive map
modality independent spatial representation during judging relative direction (JRD) task
perceived spatial orientation
spatial manipulation of 3D object
distance estimation
perception of one's spatial orientation relative to the surrounding environment
computation of a route to a goal
implementation of that route based on one's current location and directional heading
how are body-based cues integrate with visual cues
which cue to encode when there is a conflict
how do body-based cues and visual cues update to correct errors, what brain region signal that an error has occurred such as misorientation
how to measure head direction cell activation in scanner
how are multiple reference frames maintained using VR vs real world cue (eg., the task room)